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Dean Martin - Late at Night with Dean Martin (Capitol Records)

Unlike the rest of the Rat Packers, Dean Martin always had this kind of innocence to him that defied all the sleazy things he was supposedly involved with. He seemed to just fall through life, all dreamy-eyed and happily, conspicuously drunk, just as comfortable crooning to a roomful of post-menopausal grannies as he was (and sometimes still is) to a bar full of shady Mafia-linked characters. The songs on this disc reflect that slow, carefree groove that was Martin's trademark throughout the Late at Night... era, back when it was okay for a television host to come out tanked and even carrying a glass of Scotch around on the set. Borderline jazzy and even touching on blues territory at times, this collection sets the record straight once and for all - Dean Martin is truly the King of Cool.

by Holly Day

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