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Various Artists - Boycott (Radical Records)

The good thing about compilation records is that you're bound to hear someone that you'll like. Unfortunately you're also left with a lot of crap! And so I found myself whilst listening to this record label sampler hitting the skip button more times than not, such is the amount of dire tunes on offer here.

9 bands each playing 3 songs, some play ska - Inspector 7, The Agents, others angry Punk a la The Exploited - I.C.U., and others straight forward Punk Rock - The Cuffs, Blanks 77. None of your Blink 182's here, I'm afraid, this is all back-to-basics Underground Punk played by American brats who wouldn't give a toss what I, nor you thought of their wares, and I guess therein lies the problem.

by Ken McBlek

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