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The Thievery Corporation - The Mirror Conspiracy (4AD)

n., pl. thiev·er·ies.
The act or practice of thieving

Few outfits have ever been as aptly named as The Thievery Corporation. "The Mirror Conspiracy" is an eclectic pick and mix of samples from around the world craftily tailored by duo Rob Garza and Eric Hilton with a steady beat that barely disguises its roots in dub. On first listening this album reminded me of Air, and, indeed, the album does have a certain pan-European feel to it with its enchanting mixture of sitars, tabulla, drum machines and sexy vocals. Track two, 'Le Monde', is so smooth as to be almost liquid with French vocals by Lou Lou... but don't dismiss this sound as some Imported American version of Euro techno pop… this album is genius. Do I have to say any more? Except… BUY IT.

John Moylan

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