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:Columns::New York Diary::Sordid::Beats Per Minute::Columns:

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Happy New Year.

Well, there hasn't been a great deal on in the clubs down my way this month, but the break through to spring should see everything livening up.

Coming up in February we have got Adam Freeland, The Skint Records Tour, Orbital are on tour in March plus a preview of the 1999 'TOTALITY' Eclipse festival (THIS IS BIG).

Interview - D.A.V.E the Drummer, top London producer, who has released numerous records on: Routemaster/Stay up Forever/Cluster/Boscaland/Smitten/TEC/ etc etc etc. He has also worked in collaboration with artists such as DDR, The Liberators, Lawrie Immersion, etc. under various guises - such as Thera, Co-Ax, Kektex, Weathermen and Temperature Drop takes a few minutes to talk to Mad Iccy....

Record Reviews - Mad Iccy reviews a new crop of releases on the dance scene